An Expression of the Whole Realm 7E139689-9CB6-4BC9-AAFB-4A693ECB4ABC.JPG

An Expression of the Whole Realm

Nature Rests by Changing EC107EB4-C25A-437F-860B-C46A247B917D.JPG

Nature Rests by Changing

On Winter Afternoons E232B57F-7ACA-42C4-B260-63050CD01FEA.JPG

On Winter Afternoons

Delight in the Hardy Life of the Open 8ED49598-D796-4BF8-B04B-6AAD3112A3F1.JPG

Delight in the Hardy Life of the Open

What Nature Creates has Eternity 60428C30-BC46-4100-B7E1-CFA7B86F07EE.JPG

What Nature Creates has Eternity

Nature is Imagination Itself DC70C743-72E7-4F5D-98ED-6B58AAA94CC9.JPG
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Nature is Imagination Itself

5F62E5E4-E530-4D54-860D-FF7855F2313A.JPG 4E47BDC6-7347-4FA8-962E-E56FF70CC6A4.JPG
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Time is a Live Creek

The Universe is Bound Together 53BD298C-AEDC-444D-A812-07C66F4391DD.JPG
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The Universe is Bound Together

The Journeywork of the Stars 83F4F11E-1150-4F8D-B061-6E04702C9C8F.JPG
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The Journeywork of the Stars

Trees are Travelers, in the Ordinary Sense 963E6AA6-50EE-4632-A67A-7F2A2BBB6323.JPG
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Trees are Travelers, in the Ordinary Sense

Stirring a Flower A70DECD4-7C29-4923-A7B1-5A4867511494.JPG
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Stirring a Flower

To Look upon that Landscape 2DA1E5DA-F13E-464D-81CE-E802738D9642.JPG
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To Look upon that Landscape

To Know One's Landscape B5F76BFE-0FF2-4C1D-BBF7-93CB2F52BF26.JPG
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To Know One's Landscape

Trees are an Effort to Speak to Heaven 20D56F98-842F-47BA-B471-3EA2F3E0B17D.JPG
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Trees are an Effort to Speak to Heaven

O the Great Stars 93AA2265-8587-454E-BB13-A93817A07383.JPG
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O the Great Stars

A River Seems a Magic Thing B41CAFB4-994C-4472-9F7B-C754B8D7EA8F.JPG
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A River Seems a Magic Thing

Down to the Sprig of Grass 3B28D93B-E9A5-4438-AE92-E92F90996597.JPG
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Down to the Sprig of Grass

Day of the Sun is a Day of a King 401951DA-5646-4FBD-80B6-0DBD4F948BD6.JPG
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Day of the Sun is a Day of a King

Nature is an Ally CA34F6FB-17FA-4391-8D69-64DBFAB22590.JPG
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Nature is an Ally

Organic Wholeness E9E95C67-567A-4997-842F-6D7E2D1703A2.JPG
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Organic Wholeness

Just Breathe Set 4DD1991D-CAA5-4FE0-A912-F242FC29791F.JPG
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Just Breathe Set
